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Available Hotels Book your stay now

  • ManukabyHavis Boutique Hotel

    ManukabyHavis Boutique Hotel

    Sinar Penuin Lestari Blok G. no 4, Nagoya, ID

  • Vaccinated Staff - OYO 676 Hotel Osaka

    Vaccinated Staff - OYO 676 Hotel Osaka

    Lubuk Baja Kota, Komplek Nagoya Newton Blok V No.7, Nagoya, ID

  • OYO 2422 Rama Hotel

    OYO 2422 Rama Hotel

    Komplek Lumbung Rezeki Blok A no. 6-7 Nagoya, Nagoya, ID

  • OYO 90269 Hotel Indorasa 2

    OYO 90269 Hotel Indorasa 2

    -, Lubuk Baja Kota, Kec. Lubuk Baja, Kota Batam, Batam, Nagoya, ID

  • SPOT ON 93421 Grace Homestay Syariah

    SPOT ON 93421 Grace Homestay Syariah

    03, Sungai Jodoh, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Sumatera, 29400, Indonesia, Batam, Nagoya, ID

  • Urbanview Hotel Kansa Batam

    Urbanview Hotel Kansa Batam

    16 Jalan Duyung, Nagoya, ID

  • Selesa Hotel

    Selesa Hotel

    Jalan Pelita 6 No.1 Nagoya, Nagoya, ID

  • RedDoorz near Pantai Coastarina Batam

    RedDoorz near Pantai Coastarina Batam

    Jalan Bengkong Laut Golden City No 1 (Belakang Golden Prawn Restaurant), Nagoya, ID



    Jalan Imam Bonjol Kompleks Nagoya Square block C no. 42, sungai jodoh, batu ampar, kepulauan riau., Nagoya, ID

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